CCV Board of Directors Terms of Reference


The Canadian Common curriculum vitae (CCV) Board of Directors (Board) is the primary governing authority for the Canadian Common CV.


The Board is established under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (the "CCV Investing Parties"). Each CCV Investing Party has one seat on the Board.

The Board also includes non-voting members:

The stakeholder community representative cannot be a member of the CCV Operations Committee. The CCV Stakeholder Community Representative must:

  1. Have knowledge of how CV information is used in the research funding environment;
  2. Understand the CCV vision, application and supporting services; and
  3. Understand CCV linkages in the broader research funding environment.

Skills and experience criteria to fulfill the role include:

  1. Corporate Governance experience;
  2. Risk management experience;
  3. Experience working in the Research field; and
  4. Management experience.

Additional personal attributes and competencies criteria to consider include the following:

  1. Influence (i.e., networks/linkages with subscribing organizations, users, science & technology stakeholders);
  2. Strategic thinking; and
  3. Perspective and representation (i.e., in research, type of funding, CCV representation).

The proposed representative should complement the additional Board membership; i.e. provide a perspective that is not represented at the Board level.


The mandate of the Board is to set the strategic direction for the CCV, monitor, report achievement, evaluate and take corrective action as required for effective performance of the CCV. The Board is supported by the CCV Operations Committee comprised of representatives from the Tri-Council and discharges its responsibility for supervising management by delegating day-to-day management of the CCV to the CIHR Operations Support and Information Management, Technology and Security branches. The Board relies on the CCV Operations Committee and on CIHR to keep it apprised of all significant developments affecting the CCV and its operations.


The Board exercises its role by fulfilling the following specific responsibilities.

1. Strategic Planning

The Board reviews and approves the strategic plan, operating goals, operating budget, performance indicators and the business plans established to achieve them. The Board also reviews the attainment of results quarterly to ensure close monitoring of key objectives and prompt realignment if deemed appropriate and also annually assesses the aggregate results of the CCV.

The Board reports to subscribing organizations on CCV plans, priorities and performance on at least an annual basis.

2. Supervision of Management and Succession Planning

The Board is responsible for ensuring that the CCV is supported with an appropriate organizational structure.

3. Financial Disclosure

The Board is responsible for ensuring that the CCV adopts appropriate policies and procedures for the accuracy of its financial statements and associated reports. 

4. Risk Management

At least annually, the Board reviews reports on the management of material risks associated with the business and operations, the implementation of systems to manage these risks, and reports relating to the operation of, and any material deficiencies in these systems.

Meetings and Quorum

For the CCV Board meetings, all three voting members must be in attendance in order for quorum to be met. As such, Board members are expected to attend all Board meetings and to review related meeting material in advance. The minutes of meetings will be recorded and distributed to all Board members for approval. A Chair will be appointed by the Board for a two year term.
CCV Board meetings will be held on a quarterly basis or as deemed necessary by the Board.


The committee will discuss all pertinent items. Once all discussion on an item requiring a vote has finished, the Chair will call for a vote. A consensus is required from all voting members to pass any motion.